Tagged: Basement Problems

Winter Foundation Care

This past summer in Saskatchewan was tough on foundations. The dry, drought-like conditions caused the soil to contract and crack. As the winter weather comes the soil expands as it freezes, pushing against your foundation. This can cause your foundation to heave and crack. This year’s mild weather is especially troubling – the constant freezing… Read more »

Protect Your Home from Rain and Moisture. Waterproof Your Home Today!

At Textured Terrain, we specialize in waterproofing homes for Regina residents. Waterproofing includes the application of an overlapping barrier to foundation walls and the installation of weeping tile. The process keeps soil moisture away from foundations, prevents water from penetrating basement walls, and directs any water pooling at the base of the foundation toward the… Read more »

We Found Basement Cracks, Now What?

So you’ve noticed cracks in your foundation. Instead of trying to fill the cracks in yourself, you need to fix the underlying problem. The most common culprit is water. It can accumulate in the soil around the foundation, which expands the soil and puts pressure on walls and foundation footings, causing cracks to appear. While… Read more »